Sunday, 3 June 2012

Sachin Tendulkar jumped into politics as a member of Rajya Sabha

Sachin begins new innings as Rajya Sabha memberSachin Tendulkar who is a crickter and famously known as "master blaster" was nominated as a member of Rajya Sabha on 26th april ,He took oath at the chamber of Rajya Sabha in front of Mr hamid Ansari.

Sachin Tendulkar is 39 years old and he was also accompained by his Wife Anjali.

Tendulkar said that Cricket comes first than parliament,Actor Rekha and industrialist Anu Aga these two were also nominated with Sachin Tendulkar last month took oath when the house was in Session.

As tendulkaar was toob busy in IPL which ended on May 27 ,he had created 100 international centuries in march in 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Those who praise sachin here , can they answer why he joined corrupt political party (that too all time high corrupt party) . If he is a true contributor to our country other than playing cricket for money and fame he should have opened a cricket academy through sponsorship and have picked poor kids from the streets with talent in cricket and groomed them to become batsmen , bowlers etc with proper education. He had the wealth, popularity , backing but not the heart to do this
