Anna Hazare's birthday you can send them a message. Anna is located in the Ahmednagar district will remain in their village Ralegn Siddhi. Siddhi Ralegn assistant to Anna Datta Awari said on the phone, usually on my birthday Anna caboodle not insist on.
He said that every year we are planting, food for orphans and organize blood donation camp. Sharing the fruits of the program is run public hospitals. Kishan Baburao Hazare aka The Anna born June 15, 1938 in the village of Maharashtra Bhingari.
Their deployment in the 1965 war with Pakistan was Kemkrn sector. Pakistan's entire military garrison stationed there were killed in the attack. Bombing and martyrdom of soldiers forever changed the life of Anna. Anna was a change of heart by the martyrdom of their peers.
He has dedicated his life to the benefit of society. He resolved that he would serve the country and countrymen. As a social worker in 1975, Anna gave his life direction.Identify Hazare was a social worker until 1990, the transformation of the village of Ahmednagar district named had Raleganv accomplishment. The village lacked electricity and water great.Place at the behest of Anna in the village - place the trees were planted. Solar energy and bio-gas in the village through the power supply.
Then their popularity grew steadily.
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